P e r f o r m a t i v e p r a c t i c e p l a c e

Performative practice place was initiated by Dina Khuseyn together with the artistic community of Moscow in 2016.

It's a self-organized by the artist's institution - a space, without any artistic censorship, for deep/radical artistic experiments, through bodily oriented practices.
Performative practices place is a platform for interaction between the artist and the viewer in a unic creative process of interdisciplinary artistic practice. Independent space for the development of arts associated with performativity, a platform for exchange, interaction and a full creative experiment.
The uniting factor of PPP is - artistic practice. The program is formed by the curator and resident artists of the place, depending on their artistic needs and needs for certain actions in relation to the current time. The space aims to unite and expand the artistic community and involve the viewer in the artistic process.
Performative practices place existed on the territory of the House of Culture "Perspective" in Moscow in 2016 and during its existence there were held many artistic and pedagogical projects, initiated by local and invited artists.